Monday, July 11, 2011

What if there is no such thing as nothing?

a vacuum isn't truly empty, even a singularity is infinite length/density/temperature.what if there is no such thing as absolutely nothing, what if reality has a simple property, it has a value and a rate of change that is never exactly zero, but can fluctuate?The universe could have fluctuated out of such a field. what if there is nothing less than 1D? the universe, at its earliest beginnings was so small it was a quantum event (meaning it operated under a different set of laws that violate our common sense. laws in themselves are just properties of matter. it is theorized that the most fundamental component of matter is strings (1D) if it vibrates one way its a proton, if it vibrates another way its a neutron etc. all reality could be composed of these strings, and this single demention can build larger dementions. what are your ideas or opinions?

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